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What Dr. Kamen Says

Dr. Kamen P.H.D.

About Venus Touch Cream 

"For most of my life I have been writing and lecturing about nutrition and holistic healing.

"Why am I discussing female sexuality and a sexual stimulant cream? Because the barrier of silence in the media has been shattered. With the introduction of the blue pill, suddenly the subject of male impotency found itself in the spotlight. 

"Our attention is turning finally to female dysfunction. 

"As women we are very fortunate. Men have Viagra, now there is a very safe topical stimulant that does as much or more for female sexual dissatisfaction. But does it with less risk, less cost, and with health benefits instead of any potential side effects. 

"This wonderful cream enhances our ability to be totally satisfied by using our own natural physiological pathways. Like the male solution, it involves nitric oxide, the simple molecule recently discovered to have a key role in blood circulation. In fact, this is so significant, its discoverers were awarded a Nobel prize. 

"This female cream works by providing certain key amino acids, along with a topical stimulant to help improve absorption, plus a blend of herbal remedies for extra potency and a holistic treatment of sexuality." 

About Her Book, "She's Gotta Have It" 

The Essential Sex Health Manual Every Woman Must Read! SHE'S GOTTA HAVE IT: Sexuality, Euphoria, Orgasm Discover natural ways to enhance libido, increase sexual pleasure, have satisfying sex every time - at any age. $14.95 plus $4.95 shipping and handling (U.S. only) Click here for publisher's press release.

Xenoestrogen, DES, dioxin, PCBs, bisphenol A. What are these environmental toxins? How do they affect a woman's sexual health? And what can women do to both protect themselves and reverse the damage?

Bestselling nutrition educator Betty Kamen tackles these tough questions in this practical, must-have guidebook for any woman suffering from a lagging libido, chronic inability to achieve orgasm, disinterest in sex, vaginal dryness, or decreased fertility. Read this book and find out what women across the country are beginning to discover - safe, healthy, and natural ways to reclaim a vibrant and satisfying sexuality.

From the Foreword by Michael E Rosenbaum, MD:

Dr. Betty Kamen writes about women's sexual health with the same incisive and all-encompassing approach that has firmly rooted her as an icon in the field of nutrition and women's health.

From the Afterword by Burton Goldberg, Publisher of The Definitive Guide to Alternative Medicine, the Definitive Guide to Women's Health, and Alternative Medicine Magazine:

I have seen many, many women of all ages helped by following the sexual dos and don'ts that Dr. Kamen so masterfully lays out in this volume.


Chapter 1: Female Sexuality: What's Wrong Down There? 
Chapter 2: "Was It Good For You? 
Chapter 3: Hers and His: Understanding Female vs Male Sexuality 
Chapter 4: Enemies Among Us: Endocrine Disrupters 
Chapter 5: Hormone Helpers: Do They Really Work? 
Chapter 6: Wam, Bam, Thank You, Yam 
Chapter 7: From Vitamin A to Vitamin Ohhhhhh! 
Chapter 8: She's Always Had to Have It 
Chapter 9: Taking Control of Your Sexual Response