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Clinical Study

Venus Touch Clinical Study

Over 3500 women applied to participate in our clinical study. 1105 women from ever state in America completed the study and verified the results shown.

Executive Summary

A Single-Blind, Randomized Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Venus Touch Intimacy Cream in Increasing Women's Sexual Function

Study Period

October 2002 to March 2003


To evaluate the effectiveness of the Venus Touch intimacy cream in increasing women's: desire and libido, frequency of sexual activity, ease of arousal, ease of achieving orgasm, and intensity of orgasm.


In this single-blind, randomized study, women who satisfied the inclusion/exclusion criteria were randomly assigned to receive either the Venus Touch intimacy cream, placebo, or no treatment (control group). Instructions and study product were mailed to each randomized subject. All subjects were instructed to engage in sexual activity at least twice a week within a 30-day period. Subjects in the Venus Touch and placebo groups were instructed to use the cream a minimum of 8 times during the study period. After the 30-day evaluation period, subjects were to evaluate their response (increased, no change, decreased) in the 5 targeted areas (desire and libido, frequency of sexual activity, ease of arousal, ease of achieving orgasm, and intensity of orgasm) and indicate how many times they used the cream. Subjects were instructed to return the study results via mail.


A total of 3500 instruction packets were mailed out during the month of January. Of those, 1105 were completed and returned in March 2003 (400 Venus Touch, 395 Placebo, 310 Control).

Criteria for Inclusion

In order to participate in the study, subjects had to be sexually active with no limitations of physical nature that would prohibit her from completing the study. They must also have had a regular sexual partner and would be able to complete the minimum specified activity to complete the study in a timely manner.

Description and Mode of Administration of the Venus Touch Intimacy Cream

The Venus Touch cream was packaged in ¼ oz. propylene jars and caps. The Venus Touch cream was applied by taking a small amount (about the size of a corn kernel) of the cream and massaging it into the underside area of the clitoral tissue for approximately 30 to 60 seconds. The cream was to be applied before and/or during sexual encounters, and/or as often as desired.

Description of Placebo and Mode of Administration

The placebo cream is packaged in ¼ oz. propylene jars and caps. The placebo cream is administered in the same manner as the Venus Touch intimacy cream.

Duration of Treatment

30 days

Statistical Methods

The primary comparison of interest was the difference between the Venus Touch group and the Placebo group with respect to the percentage of subjects who indicated increased response in each of the 5 sexual response categories. Each of the 5 sexual response categories was evaluated separately. Statistical differences between the Venus Touch group and the Placebo group were evaluated using the Pearson's Chi-square test and a 95% confidence interval of the difference (Venus Touch - Placebo) in the percentage of subjects indicating increased response was calculated. Statistical differences between the Venus Touch group and the Control group were evaluated in the same manner.


The percentage of subjects indicating increased response was statistically significantly greater in the Venus Touch group than the Placebo group in all 5 sexual response categories. The category with the highest percent of subjects indicating increased response was ease of arousal (75%). The percent of subjects indicating increased response in the other categories were as follows: desire and libido (57%), frequency of sexual activity (43%), ease of achieving orgasm (62%), and intensity of orgasm (52%).

The differences between the Venus Touch group and the control group were statistically significant in all 5 sexual response categories as well.


The comparison of the Venus group to the Control group suggests that the use of the Venus Touch intimacy cream significantly enhances sexual function compared to average/normal sexual behavior.

The comparison of the Venus group to the Placebo group suggests that the use of the Venus Touch intimacy cream product is significantly more effective in enhancing sexual function than use of a placebo cream.